Fildena 100 (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg)

(2 customer reviews)


Fildena 100 mg : Gives You A Better Sexual Performance

Taking proper medication is very important when you are facing any health issue. Sometimes, you should start your medication at the early stage of detection. In some cases, there will not be any drugs to completely cure it, like Diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. In such situations, all you will be able to do is just use the medication and control them. So that the levels do not go too high or the condition does not get worse. It can get very serious if the situation worst. Whereas for some conditions, you have medicine that helps you handle the situation and get a solution. One such health issue seen in men is erectile dysfunction. It cannot be cured but by taking proper drugs, you will be able to get an erection. Fildena 100 Mg is one of those drugs that your doctor can prescribe for treating this condition.

You will be able to get an erection with this pill, as long as the medicine is effective in your body and you are sexually stimulated. Get the purple Viagra pill for erectile dysfunction and see its magical effect on the body.

Fildena 100 (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg)
Fildena 100 (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg)

What Happens In Your Body When You Take Fildena 100?

When you take Fildena 100mg, what exactly happens in your body? Do you know the actual working mechanism of this medicine? If not, then here is some useful information for you to understand. For a man to get an erection, there should be enough blood flow to the genital area of men.

When there is enough blood flow and sexually stimulated nitric oxide production increases and that is responsible for the increase of cGMP levels, which is very important for a man to get an erection. But in those men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction, the PDE-5 enzyme will block the production of nitric acid and blood flow as well. As a result, cGMP is suppressed and erection does not happen.

When taking the purple triangle pill, it will start inhibiting the effect of the PDE-5 enzyme and so the process will get normal. With good blood flow, a man will get a hard erection. So, this was about what is Fildena and how it is going to work on your body.

How To Take Fildena 100mg?

Fildena 100 purple pill should always be prescribed by the doctor. You cannot just start taking it without a doctor suggesting it. One main reason why you should see a doctor before you use these pills is they may be available in different dosages and not everyone can take the same dose. Also, your medicine will depend on several other factors as well. So, when you talk to the doctor you can understand how Fildena pills will start working on you.

Most Common and Most Recommended Doses.

Taking the pills with an empty stomach is a good way to take the medicine. The medicine works better this way because it does not work as per requirement when taken with heavy meals.

It is safe to use just water for taking the drug.

Only one purple pill Viagra should be taken and not more than that.

How Long Does Fildena Take To Work?

Viagra online 100mg will take at least 30 minutes for working on the body. The effect of the medicine will start showing in 30 minutes but to enjoy the full effect of the medicine, you have to wait for at least one hour. But there is one important point that you need to keep in mind when you use pills for erectile dysfunction.

That is, the medicine will work differently on each body and hence you need to check once or twice to know how it is working on your body. Also, in the initial stage, it will take some time for working properly on the body.

How Long Does Fildena 100 Stay On Your Body?

This Sildenafil 100mg pill should be taken as per the doctor’s advice. As already discussed, it will take some time for the medicine to work. Once it starts working, it will stay in the body for at least four hours to a maximum of six hours. After four hours, Fildena will slowly start fading off and by six hours it will fade off completely.

For some people, the effect may not last for even four hours, and for some men, it may last for more than six hours. If the medicine effect lasts for more than six to seven hours or when the erection lasts very long, you need to talk to the doctor immediately.

Other Strength of Fildena:

Fildena 120 mg                        Fildena 150 mg                         Fildena 25 mg                          Fildena 50 mg                     Fildena Double 200 mg                        Super Fildena                        Fildena Super Active                       

How To Store Fildena 100mg?

Viagra purple pill should be stored with a lot of care and caution if you are buying in bulk. Make sure that you don’t leave the pills just anywhere in the house. Here is how you can keep the medicine safe:

  • Sunlight will reduce the effect of the medicine and so keep them in a dark place.
  • Heat can also cause the same effect and hence you need to store it in a cool place, at least at room temperature.
  • You need to use it as soon as you open it from the original packing.
  • These purple tablets should be stored in an airtight container.
  • Do not let the drug to get freeze if you store it in the refrigerator.

Precautions Before And While Using The Fildena Purple triangle Pills:

These precautions can be very helpful for you to get the most out of the purple sex pill. They will help you stay away from major problems and to enjoy the best results. So, here are the precautions:

  • The first thing to do before you take a purple pill male is to check the list of ingredients in it. That will help to be sure if you are allergic to any ingredients in it.
  • Another important point is to discuss with the doctor if you are using other medicines for other health conditions.
  • If you are using other ED medicines, then do not take purple pills drugs. That will lead to overdose.
  • While using the pills, make sure to take just one pill in a span of 24 hours.
  • Do not drive after 30 minutes of taking the medicine as it will start working in full concentration and causes drowsiness.
  • Women and kids should strictly not take the medicine.
  • This does not prevent pregnancy and so you should make your own arrangements for contraceptive methods.

Where To Buy Fildena Sildenafil 100?

Fildena purple Viagra is easily available online and so you can buy it from anywhere in the world. Fildena 100 online is the easiest way to buy medicine. At the online pharmacy stores the medicine is usually cheaper and so you can save money. During Fildena 100 for sale, you will also be able to save a lot more. Look for Fildena 100 reviews which can help you gather more information about the pills.


If you wish to know Fildena vs Viagra, then both works in a similar way as both have similar ingredients. These purple pills will give good results just like the most popular Viagra pills.

Fildena online is used by any man who is above 18 years and not allergic to the ingredients. In most conditions, they do not cause any side effects. But if the erection lasts very long or if the medicine is showing any major side effects, you need to stop taking the medicine.

Continuing the medicine may cause serious side effects. So, just buy them when you have ed pills for sale and save a few bucks. The best online drug store Medysale will deliver the best quality erection pills to your doorsteps. All erectile dysfunction pills are not the same and so you need to discuss them with the doctor and choose the one that suits your requirements.


Sildenafil Citrate (100mg)

Dosage Form


Equivalent Brand

Viagra 100

Generic Name

Sildenafil Citrate


Erectile Dysfunction, Impotence, Erection Problems


Fortune Healthcare


10 Tablets in Strip

Delivery Time

6 To 15 days


Spain, France, Italy, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, South Korea All Over The World

2 reviews for Fildena 100 (Sildenafil Citrate 100mg)

  1. Jean W

    My confidence has been lessening over the last year, and by age 47, I noticed that my erections were not nearly as firm as they used to be, so I had consulted with a Doctor who prescribed me Fildena 100. I made notice of improvement taking this tablet. Really happy overall.

  2. James R

    I took this Fildena 100 pill for the first time it started delayed after some time (nearly after an hour). I was surprised, my partner told me she felt like she was on cloud 9, I must confess at 64 going on to 65 I felt in my 30’s I highly support this.

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