Privacy Policy

At Fildena100, we strive to bring to you only the very best and the most advanced solutions for health care, while letting you have one of the most enjoyable shopping experiences. All of your personal information, as well as your medical information that you provide us, is required by us, so that we can assist you in keeping good health and providing you with information with regards to other products that could be useful to you.

Your privacy on the World Wide Web is of the utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy is only applicable to personal information that is collected and activities that are carried out on the Website. The privacy policy offered by Fildena100 show how we use, collect and disclose a certain piece of information and the steps we ensure to secure the personal data of our customers. Your privacy online is essential to us. Privacy policy employs only personal information and conducted activities gotten on Fildena100.

A Privacy policy is a legal document that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, and manages a customer’s data.


When you use the Fildena100 website, the personal information that has been provided by you, is collected by us. Examples of information that is deemed as personally identifiable, include your e-mail address, home address, name, medical information, date of birth and password. This information is required by us, for the purposes of, for instance, providing you with coupons so that your order can be processed or providing you with additional information with regards to your healthcare or to respond to queries you may have, etc.

  1. Registration On The Store. As is the norm, before you use certain parts of any website, you are required to fill in the online registration form of the website. During the process of registration or while you are checking out, you would be prompted by us to supply us with some personal details of yours, which is inclusive of but not limited to your email address, billing address, shipping address, name and phone number. Plus, we could also possibly ask you for the name of the country you reside in and the country of operation of your organization, so that we would be in compliance with the laws and regulations that are applicable in your country. In addition to this, we would also ask you for your gender. This is the kind of information that we would require from you in order for us to be able to communicate with you with regards to your order, for us to be able to fulfill your order, for the purposes of billing and for internal marketing. If at the time of processing your order, we happen to face any kind of issue, we might use your personal information, to get in touch with you.
  2. Other Information You Provide: Other additional information that you would choose to provide us, is gathered by us. For instance, when you communicate with us or when you complete entry forms of contests or when you give us product reviews or when you sign up to get special discounts or when you complete surveys or when you give us an alternative address for delivery.

At the Fildena100, certain kinds of information that is got by us from you, when you visit our website, is automatically received and collected by us. For instance, when your web browser happens to access the Fildena100, like many other websites, we also get certain kinds of information about you, as we make use of ‘cookies’ and ‘web beacons’ (described below).

Included in this information about you that we collect, are details like your operating system, your computer’s IP (Internet Protocol) address, your web server, the software of your browser, information regarding what you have viewed at our website, your purchase history at our website, the time and the date at which you access our website, your search history at the website, information about the URL that referred you to our site, information about the URL clickstream to our website, from our website and through our website and also your session information at the Fildena100 website which includes things like page response times and download errors.


In order for us to be able to enhance, as well as customize your shopping experience and your browsing experience, Fildena100 uses a feature that is called a ‘cookie’, which is on your internet browser. These cookies are actually small files which the web browser you use, will place on the hard drive of your computer. These cookies are used by us in order to get certain information which you have given us earlier and these cookies also enable us to come to know that you are a previous customer with us. Because of these cookies, whenever you use the Fildena100 website to shop, you would not have to keep on entering information you would have entered earlier at the website.

These cookies also tell us how you found the Fildena100 website, for instance, whether you found the website via an advertisement or via any website, etc. In no way whatsoever are these cookies made use of to find out any kind of details that you would have entered on a secure server. This information is only accessible when you have entered your name, as well as your password. In the event that you take the decision to reject cookies or remove cookies by configuring your browser to do so, you would not be able to take advantage of the many features that are available at the Fildena100 and neither would you be able to make purchases at the website.

It should be noted by you that most of the internet browsers that are available today, let you block cookies or erase cookies. For more information on how you can do these, just refer to the instructions on your browser. These browser instructions will reveal to you various types of information such as how you can totally disable cookies, how you can let your browser inform you when you get a new cookie, how you can stop your browser from accepting any new cookies, etc.

It is important for you to take note that by using cookies, you get the total benefits of using the Fildena100 features and as such, it is our recommendation that you leave the cookies turned on.


Fildena100 contracts third party companies from time to time, in order for us to be able to provide relevant information, services and products for you and also so as to enable us to measure the effectiveness of the advertising. There are certain of these third party companies which make use of web beacons (also referred to as single pixel gifs or action tags) or cookies. It may happen that Fildena100 would make use of web beacons, with respect to the emails sent to our clients. This is done in order to ascertain when and whether or not the images in the email we sent have been rendered. This allows Fildena100 to determine whether or not the client opened the email that we sent. We may then aggregate this information and use it to determine the efficacy of the email communiqués we send to our clients.


Fildena100, does on quite a regular basis, partner with companies and these companies have certain reward programs or membership programs. So, for our website members to be able to participate in the programs of these websites and earn things like points for purchases they make at the Fildena100, via links from these third party websites, we have to share with these third party websites, certain information about our members, such as purchasing information. If you so wish that we do not reveal this information of yours to these strategic partners of ours, then you have to directly get in touch with this partner of ours.


If you so choose to opt out from getting the Fildena100 e-mail advertisements, it is possible that we may share this information with third party sites, so that we could thus instruct them not to send to you, on our behalf, any kind of advertisements. If in the event that Fildena100 has shared opt out information with any third party, we would then inform this third party to make use of such information, only for the purpose of doing away with any potential recipients, from the e-mails that the third party would be sending out on our behalf.

It is very important for you to take note that all emails that come from us, would have the Fildena100 Online Store logo (HTML e-mails), as well as the Fildena100 Online Store copyright notice (text e-mails).

In the event that you happen to receive any kind of unsolicited e-mail and you feel that it is in some way related to us, feel free to forward any such email, in the form of an attachment and send it to us at, rest assured that we will investigate this.


Any information that you have provided us, can be reviewed, as well as updated by you, just by you logging into your Fildena100 account or by sending us an email.


In the event that you are under 18 years of age and you have registered at the Fildena100, your guardian or you yourself can request us to take off any information or content that you might have posted on the Fildena100, mobile application, online application or online service, this is inclusive of your date of birth, name, gender, home phone, cell phone or address. If you so choose to request that we take off all such information or content about you, you can do so by visiting the section and either chat with one of our Customer Care Representatives regarding the same or you could also email us about the same. Kindly take note of the fact that the removal of such content by Fildena100, might not possibly be comprehensive or complete, such as in the case when a third party has reposted such information or content.


At the Fildena100, we incorporate administrative, electronic and physical procedures, in order for us to be able to keep your confidential information secure and safe. To this extent, for all of the financial transactions that are done at our website, we employ SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). SSL encryption has been used by us, so that the personal information that you share with us, is protected on the internet.

Besides this, we also take various other measures to ensure the protection of your information that you share on our website. We assure you that there is restricted access to the personal information that you share with us. With regards to our employees, only those employees of ours, who need to perform a specific task with regards to your account, would be given access to your personal information.

High tech and world class securities such as SSL, McAfee Secure and Wordfence Security, guard the Fildena100. This is to ensure that your personal information is protected. Albeit, we are unable to guarantee you complete security and the reason for this is that nowhere in the world, either offline or online, does 100% total security exist currently.


This Fildena100 policy has been last updated on January 01, 2019. We reserve the right to amend, change or modify this policy, at any time we choose to. To keep updated with changes in this Privacy policy, it is expected that you keep checking it from time to time. We have the right to adjust, amend or change the Privacy policy anytime. Please check our Privacy Policy from time to time. Your use of the website, after changes of the Privacy policy have been made, constitutes your acceptance of the amended policy.

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