Fildena 150 (Sildenafil Citrate 150mg)


What Is Fildena 150?

Fildena 150 is the cure for the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. Surprising, but the reality is that every fifth man is suffering silently from the issues of erectile dysfunction across the globe. They rarely talk about the problem openly because of the fear of judgment or strange stares from the people around them. Hence never consult the doctor nor go for the needed remedy to treat the state of erectile dysfunction.  

This is also known as Fildena Extra Power because of the intensity and High strength. Fildena is a very strong dose for the treatment of erectile dysfunction compared to the different variations available for curing the same issues. So, if you are going through erectile dysfunction and one Quality sexual intercourse, then Fildena 150 could be your companion, guide, helping hand, and the remedy for the condition of erectile dysfunction. 

They are sometimes named as an infertile man if he does not perform properly during the action of coitus. However, Fildena 150 saves a man from those thousand embarrassing moments of inefficiency in bed and makes their sexual life much more interesting with quality sexual intercourse. 

About Fildena 150

The most crucial and active ingredient of Fildena is Sildenafil Citrate belonging to the exclusive inhibitor of cGMP. Sildenafil Citrate is responsible for relaxing the muscles in the genital area of men and helps in loosening the blood vessels. As a result of blood, this would lead to the penis and assists in keeping a steady and straight erection for a longer time for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Fildena 150 is a readily available medicine on various platforms at the recommendations of the doctor. Before taking this medicine, get a thorough diagnosis to know about the exact amount of doses to be taken to cure erectile dysfunction. 

 Fildena 150 Uses

Fildena 150 is used for treating erectile dysfunction in men. the condition of erectile dysfunction may be known by different names such as impotence, pulmonary arteries, or simply erectile dysfunction (ED). However, the intake and consumption of Fildena 150 should not be self-medicated. Consulting a doctor, undergoing a thorough diagnosis process, and then begin with the doses of Fildena 150. 

How does Fildena 150 work?

The moment the chemical composition of  Sildenafil Citrate 150 reaches the blood vessels and dissolves. The next moment Sildenafil Citrate becomes omnipresent in the entire genital area and touching the penis, which activates the blood vessels in the penis to remain erect throughout the act of sex. 

As soon as the penis relaxes, it becomes effective and works as a lubricant throughout the pleasuring sexual intercourse. The presence of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) lowers the growth of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). CGMP is a neurotransmitter that synchs between the brain and the penis.   

Fildena 150 Dosage

Since Fildena 150 is a powerful drug and opted in the case of extremities only. If the person experiences the symptoms or signs of erectile dysfunction should visit the doctor and explain everything clearly. The doctor decides the amount and frequencies of Fildena 150 based on the body’s level of severity and need. Ideally, the tablets should be taken at least 30-45 minutes before entering into sexual intercourse. Never overdose for the sake of expecting higher performance. However, the time and frequency of the doses should be fixed and scheduled for each amount.    

Missed Dose

Missing the dose of Fildena 150 can lead to severe consequences. So, it is advisable not to miss or skip the doses of Fildena 150. If the regular quantity or the scheduled amount of Fildena 150 is omitted, then immediately convey the information to the doctor. Since Fildena 150 is a powerful and strong drug, do not try to fill the gap by overdosing. If there is a wider time leg between the subsequent dose, then do take the amount and bridge the gulf. However, if the person tries to complete the bay and leads to any adversity, then tell the doctor or call the emergency number for the needed solution.   


Excess of chemicals and especially Fildena 150, in the person’s body, can lead to some real trouble to the person consuming the drug or tablets. Overdosing of Fildena 150 does not mean giving more and a long erection while having sexual intercourse. If overdosed, it can result in adverse health consequences such as pain in the penis, prolonged and unnecessary erection, trouble in urinating, or even uncomfortable while having coitus. If by mistake you take the overdose of Fildena, then inform the physician instantly. But if the consequences are extremely negative and unfavorable, call the emergency number. So, never think of overdosing or consuming Fildena 150 in excess on the assumption of getting an additional erection.   

Available Dosage Here:

Fildena 25 | Fildena 50 | Fildena 100 | Fildena 120 | Fildena 200


  • The problem with blood pressure is that if the person is going through blood pressure, Sildenafil Citrate 150mg is not healthy. As the chemical composition of Fildena 150 impacts the health of individuals adversely and may deteriorate the entire well-being as a whole.
  • Deteriorates Cardiac functioning – If Sildenafil Citrate 150mg is consumed in excess and continuously, it can directly and proportionate impact the person’s health. The chemical in the tablets can reduce the cardiac working of the body to an extent. 
  • Patients over the age of 65 – If the patient is above the age of 65years, then should mind the consumption of Fildena 150. In such cases, doctors recommend a lesser amount of Fildena 150. So, be precautious in such a condition and adhere to the age limit in every situation.  
  • Are you following any additional medical prescriptions? If the patient is already on the prescription of any other medical treatment, then they should not hide it from their physician before beginning with the course of Fildena 150. As dual courses of different drugs can nullify the effect of the medicine or even result in Some adverse health consequences that are irrecoverable and chronic. So, pay attention during the following prescription. In every situation, keep your physician in the loo pup information. 
  • Do you have ulcer disease or a bleeding disorder? If yes, it is highly recommended not to follow the course of Fildena 150. Since Fildena Has a strong chemical intermediate in itself, it is very powerful and hits the entire body immediately, leading to higher blood flow in the blood vessels. If not taken care of on time and wait at most precautions, the consequences might be adverse, deteriorating, and Irrecoverable. 
  • Do not chew the drug – The tablets of Fildena 150 should be taken as a whole without chewing, crushing, grinding, grating, or smashing. Moreover, with the help of a glass of normal water, keeping away all reactive foodstuff and unfavorable beverages. 
  • It is not a contraceptive medicine – Fildena 150 is an effective drug for treating erectile dysfunction rather than preventing pregnancy or working as a contraceptive medicine. This is for sexual intercourse rather than being in the agent of producing sexual pleasure or a stimulus to arouse sexual desire in the person consuming it.  
  • Follow the doctor’s prescription – One of the essential aspects to be kept in mind while on the medication of Fildena is to follow the exact guidelines and directions given by the physician. As they are the experts of the fields, they know the best remedy for erectile dysfunction. Moreover, do keep a check on the medicines being consumed along with the manufacturing and expiry dates. 
  • Pregnant women – Pregnant women should never try the use of This Medicine. It can negatively impact the child if it gets penetrated the body of the offspring. 
  • Children below the age of 18 years are not advisable for children below the age of 18 years. If taken under 18 years of age, it may lose its essence in the future too. Even if your body shows all the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, do not self-medicate over purchase Fildena 150 without consulting your doctor. If the doctor recommends a lighter dose of Fildena 150 after diagnosing the problem of erectile dysfunction and feels the need for the drug, it is healthy to take. But only under the scrutinized surveillance of the physician.  
  • Take authentic medicines – There are shortcuts to everything, but the later consequences are disastrous especially medicines. So, follow the doctor’s directions, purchased the drugs from genuine websites or stores, and consume as guided in suggested by the physician for the best and satisfactory results.  

Fildena 150 Side Effects

  • Nosebleed – As Fildena 150 increases the blood flow in the blood vessels, there are chances that the patient with erectile dysfunction taking the dozens of Fildena 150 might get nose bleeding. But that is not a point of panic; it turns severe if the bleeding does not stop or leads to clotting along with bleeding.  
  • Heartburn – the presence of Sildenafil Citrate in the human body sometimes leads to impact the major organs such as heart, liver, or lungs. So, keep in mind that the patient with erectile dysfunction following Fildena 150 should not be a heart patient nor has any recent heart surgery. Otherwise, it gives a hard time to the person in the form of heartburn.  
  • Muscle aches – As something new in unusual activity happens in the person’s body after the injection of Fildena 150, it is quite natural to have muscle aches. But that status for either throughout the course or even a bit longer. On the contrary, if the pain persists for a longer period, it’s time to call the doctor and ask for remedial medicines.   
  • Flushing – As the blood rushes through the blood vessels, there are chances that the person may experience a sign of flushing or redness. But that remains till the drug is effective in the body, and after that, it disappears. However, if it does not, call your doctor, inform, and ask for alternatives or precautions. 
  • Hearing loss – Even there are chances that the patient with erectile dysfunction on the medication of Fildena 150 may experience hearing imbalance. Either feeling a buzzing sound, ringing sound in the ears, or lose hearing for a short time. There is nothing to be worried about in such cases. These signs are temporary and fade away along with the course or at the end of the period. However, if it does not appear, that is a sign of concern.  
  • Sleep Disturbance – Chances of experiencing hardships while falling asleep. There is no point of concern as this discomfort appears along with the completion of the prescription of this medicine. 
  • Vision disturbances – Even the patient with Erectile dysfunction following the prescription of Fildena may go through a phase of a shift in vision. There could be difficulty in distinguishing between colors or inability to things. But it’s not a serious issue as these signs and symptoms are not permanent.  
  • Sensitivity urinary tract or lead to infections- if the person overdoses with Fildena, there are chances of getting urinary tract infections. That is the subsequent result of prolonged erection. So, do not overdose with Fildena 150 with the Expectations of getting more pleasure during sexual intercourse.  


Can you take it every day, Fildena 150?

Yes. Fildena 150 can be taken every day by the patient with erectile dysfunction. Remember to take get at least 30 to 45 minutes before starting or entering into an act of sexual intercourse. It is the minimum time limit required for activating the penis to work efficiently and effectively during the process of coitus.  

How Long Does It Take for Fildena 150 to work?

It takes around half an hour for Fildena 150 to start working and aiding the process of sex.  

Can I buy Fildena 150 online without a prescription?

Never buy Fildena 150 without a prescription from the doctor. The symptoms may be the exact as that of erectile dysfunction, but that doesn’t mean self-medication. So, consult the doctor before beginning the course of Fildena 150. Purchase the drug only after getting a node from the physician and diagnosis of erectile dysfunction. However, one can purchase Fildena can online. 


Sildenafil Citrate (150mg)

Dosage Form


Equivalent Brand

Viagra 150

Generic Name

Sildenafil Citrate


Erectile Dysfunction, Impotence, Erection Problems


Fortune Healthcare


10 Tablets in Strip

Delivery Time

6 To 15 days


Spain, France, Italy, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, South Korea All Over The World


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